The CTS sees itself as a key element of the group to promote the autonomy of all the sites by creating common reading grids, which creates its own synergy based on a single group vision.
One of the first pillars of the CTS intervention areas is the proximity and the presence on the spot whether it is by assistance and technical audits or by field expertise,
Technical assistanceOn-site & remote site support
Technical auditsRealization of the Audits of the installations and management
Expertise and technology watchTechnical expertise of installations and raw materials
Training & seminarsOur on-site interventions as well as all the specific work by trade allow us to be the first precursors for the training needs of our workforce. It is from there that the CTS intervenes through the organization of seminars and training by profession.
Harmonization of methods by setting up a standard document structure for all production sites.
Reporting & BenchmarkReporting and benchmarking is a crucial action that allows us to compare our processes or services between the different sites in order to set ambitious, but realistic, objectives and improvement actions to become and remain efficient.